Sunday, 22 June 2014

Preparing your car for a long trip

A long trip is a serious test for your car and even a small problem such as a worn windshield wiper, out-of-balance tire can pose a lot of problems. Here are a few simple tips on how to prepare your vehicle for a trip. Book an appointment with your mechanic well before your trip. Packages comprising an oil change, tire rotation, mechanical inspection and battery maintenance should sort this for you. Don't leave it for the last moment, do it few days before your trip.

  • First, check under the hood for leaks, unclean car battery terminals, worn out drive belts, etc. If any of these searches yield positive results, you should probably visit your mechanic. Check all the fluids. Start with the engine oil.

  • Check the automatic transmission fluid
  • Visually check engine coolant (antifreeze) in the overflow tank

  •  Check the car battery condition visually. If you see any acid leaks, cracks or other damage, the car battery must be replaced. Make sure the battery terminals are tight and not corroded. Corroded terminals will cause troubles. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell when the four wheeler battery will die; sometimes it happens unexpectedly with no prior signs. However, if you feel that when you are starting the car, the engine cranks slower than normally, the battery is probably close to its end. Usually a new battery may last from 3 to 6 years, so if your four wheeler battery is 4-5 years old, it's a good idea to have it tested before a trip.

  • Check your Air filter
  • Check Lights and other electrical equipment
  • Check Brakes, steering, suspension and drive train components
  • Check for tire issues like air pressure of the spare tire
  • Check whether the wheel wrench and the jack are in order

Friday, 20 June 2014

Truck battery: Do's and Don’ts

Do you own or operate a truck? Regardless of the vehicle battery brand you use, please go through the below list of battery maintenance guidelines that help you maximize your four wheeler battery performance and life span.


  • Choose truck batteries of proper capacity
  • Fully charge the four wheeler battery at the end of each shift
  • Clean the vehicle battery regularly
  • Always check the electrolyte level
  • Once a month, make sure that all connectors are tight
  • Keep the automatic filling system or the air-lift system (if available) in good condition
  • Ventilate properly so that hydrogen released from truck batteries does not accumulate in concentrations greater than 4% by volume
  • Read the vehicle battery manufacturer’s installation and operation instruction manual carefully
  • Keep yourself protected. Wear protective equipment (goggles, face shield, rubber apron, and boots) when working on truck batteries
  • Keep the battery away from open flames and sparks
  • Read and observe all warnings published by the four wheeler battery manufacturer
  • Take prompt action when a problem is indicated
  •  Neutralize spilled electrolyte immediately with a solution of 1 kg. baking soda to 4l of water
  • Apply an equalizing charge once a week
  • Keep accurate records regularly

  • Smoke or create sparks near batteries
  • Wear conductive jewellery when doing battery maintenance
  • Put tools on top of batteries
  • Overcharge
  • Add water before charging; always after it.
  • Remove the cell vent plugs

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

An extensive range of vehicle batteries and motorcycle batteries in India

Operative theory behind batteries
An object that stocks energy to be used for future is called battery. The actual mechanism of a battery is the conversion of chemical energy into electricity by making use of a galvanic cell. Batteries are the storing points of electric energy. With the alteration of the chemicals in the battery, electrical energy is radiated and stored but never produced. There is a continuous recurrence of the mentioned process in case of rechargeable batteries. However, a lead acid battery works with lead oxide as positive and pure lead as negative. Be it a four wheeler battery, or a two wheeler battery, the worth lies in the supply of power.  

The SF Sonic Power
SF Sonic is a name synonymous to power. Car batteries from SF Sonic are the results of elaborate and detailed R&D and a tough quality control. Manufactured to suit the basic need of strength, SF Sonic batteries are tailor made for Indian conditions. The grid alloy technology used for making these car batteries establishes symmetry between performance and durability. Slowly becoming an easy choice for battery buyers, SF Sonic has been widely accepted for the resilience of their two and four wheeler batteries. SF Sonic’s Industrial Range of lead acid batteries is perfect to with stand the tough conditions of Indian roads. The UPS, Genset and inverter batteries of SF Sonic are much sought after for their dependability.

The facility                                                   
SF Sonic brings forth an array of functional benefits. From guidance on the best four and two wheeler battery price to choosing the suitable battery to its maintenance followed by service and replacement – SF Sonic does this all. With SF Sonic you do not only choose the right battery but also get to know the right way of its preservation. A battery brought from them could be registered with them for free battery maintenance.

The network
SF Sonic brings the service of online battery store which facilitates buying of batteries online without having to search for a store though SF Sonic exclusive stores sufficiently spread around the nation. This includes the responsibility of systematic checking of the battery as well as battery exchange and buying back at the best online battery price. These stores enable better and diverse service assistances. Although there are many auto battery showrooms situated at various places of our country, most of them deal with a specific sort of concern. These stores of SF Sonic extend end to end power solutions by means of a string of useful products and personalized services. The battery showroom conveniences are always beneficial for people who seek one stop solutions for their problems. Apart from these, SF Sonic also involves a strong network of battery dealers that ensures of the availability of their product across the length and breadth of the nation. These dealer networks are dependable and valuable sources of business for SF Sonic.